Summer in Italy Coastal Wall Art



Introducing "Summer in Italy," a captivating artwork that invites you to dive into the quintessential Italian summer experience. This piece beautifully captures the essence of carefree joy and warmth, featuring a girl immersed in the bliss of a sun-drenched swim. The artwork radiates the vibrant energy of summer, with strokes that paint the serene beauty of Italy's azure waters. It's a celebration of those fleeting, golden moments where time seems to stand still, and all that matters is the sheer delight of the present. Perfect for those who cherish the spirit of summer and the allure of Italian coasts, this artwork brings a slice of la dolce vita right into your home.


Our art prints are carefully prepared by hand and framed over several weeks, so please allow a 4-6 week delivery time. 



  • 812mm x 574mm
  • 1000mm x 700mm
  • 1148mm x 812mm
  • 1624mm x 1148mm


  • 100% Australian-made
  • White solvent paint is sprayed protecting the back of the artwork.
  • Perspex finish is near identical to glass finish yet lightweight
  • Glass slightly better finish close up, Perspex is more durable
  • Finished with 100% hardwood timber frame