Stripes Fashion Wall Art


Frame Colour

Introducing our captivating wall art featuring a moment of timeless style captured by the Stripes fashion wall art. The artwork showcases an unsuspecting zebra wandering through the high fashion streets, eliciting a sense of curiosity and style.

The zebra's fabulous black and white stripes contrast beautifully against the palm trees and the stunning Prada fashion brand in the backdrop, creating an unforgettable and eye-catching piece of art.

An artwork that will most certainly turn heads!


Our art prints are meticulously printed and framed over several weeks, so do allow a 4-6 week delivery time but when you receive your art you’ll know the preparation time has been worth the wait!


  • 610mm x 610mm
  • 812mm x 812mm
  • 915mm x 915mm
  • 1000mm x 1000mm
  • 1148mm x 1148mm
  • 1200mm x 1200mm


  • 100% Australian-made
  • White solvent paint is sprayed protecting the back of the artwork.
  • Glass preferred for art 1000mm x 1000mm or smaller
  • Perspex finish is near identical to glass finish yet lightweight
  • Glass slightly better finish close up, perspex is more durable
  • Finished with 100% hardwood timber frame


**4-6 Weeks**

  • These artworks are not mass produced, each one is meticulously put together by trained artisans within Australia. The end product we hope you appreciate will be a gallery level print that you can adorn for many years to come.